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Refranes Sobre El Otono Spanish Proverbs Celebrating The Season

Refranes Sobre El Otoño

Refranes Sobre El Otoño: Spanish Proverbs Celebrating the Season


As the leaves turn vibrant hues of gold and crimson, and the air fills with a crisp autumn chill, we celebrate the season's arrival with a collection of Spanish proverbs that capture the essence of this magical time of year.

Proverbs About the Weather

Otoño lluvioso, invierno ventoso. (A rainy autumn brings a windy winter.)

En otoño, el agua moja y el sol enoja. (In autumn, the rain soaks and the sun angers.)

Proverbs About the Harvest

Año de bellotas, año de carrozas. (A year of acorns, a year of carriages.)

El que siembra en otoño, cosecha en verano. (He who sows in autumn, reaps in summer.)

Proverbs About the Changing Landscape

El otoño es el segundo amanecer del año. (Autumn is the second sunrise of the year.)

En otoño, los árboles pierden sus hojas, pero la tierra se viste de oro. (In autumn, the trees lose their leaves, but the earth dresses in gold.)

Proverbs About the Human Experience

El otoño es la estación de la reflexión. (Autumn is the season of reflection.)

El que no recoge en otoño, pasa hambre en invierno. (He who does not gather in autumn, goes hungry in winter.)


These Spanish proverbs offer a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage that surrounds the autumn season. They remind us of the cyclical nature of life, the importance of preparation, and the beauty that can be found in the changing seasons.
